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Casey Neistat Haters Are Losers: season 1 episode 182 youtube vlog

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Episode number 182 from season 1.

2015-09-22 - Haters Are Losers

Season 1 - Episode 182 - 09-22-2015
At home, Francine is watching a cartoon on a phone. Casey says bye to Candice. Short trip to the studio to take his boosted board. Breakfast at the usual spot. He will interview someone for Beme. They are looking for Android or iOS developers. Great interview, meeting, breakfast. Then he goes to Jerome's place to help him as he has technical difficulties with Final Cut Pro X bugs. The video is good but he can't export it. Trip back to the studio for the Q&A. Today's theme: haters. How does he let not haters get to him. Haters are loosers. They bring people down. He wants to adress some things. Some people often says "this is an advertisement". He has done and still do advertisements, he is very open about that. Most of the time the videos he makes talking about a product or something are bashing them, who can think that he is paid to bash something? He does not want to trick people about that. Yesterday iPhone video was made without Apple's contentment, they did not pay him for that. They would probably pissed off if they knew how he got the (still not available in stores) phone. Other comments that Candice has no ass. Every person is different. Candice is human like every other person. How have haters contributed to his success. The harder he works, the easier it is for him to go over haters. A tweet: Haters are going to hate, creators are going to create. His favorite quote, from Chuck Palahniuk (Fight club author): "Happiness is the best revenge. Nothing drives people crazier than seeing someone have a good fucking life". Jealousy and envy is what is behind most haters. Give people the benefice of the doubt, assume that they are being good. Ignore the haters: they are small weak and unhappy. Hurt people hurt people. Their punishment is their life. Back home. Francine is naked, happy.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
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