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Casey Neistat Late Night Rendezvous: season 1 episode 180 youtube vlog

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Episode number 180 from season 1.

2015-09-20 - Late Night Rendezvous

Season 1 - Episode 180 - 09-20-2015
New Londonc Connecticut. Early morning boosted board ride to shoot timelapses of the sunrise with heavy clouds. Back home. Detail of a New London city garbage can. When he comes back, Candice is watching yesterday's episode. She smiles. They pack things in the jeep to go to Mystic where his mother lives. A car in front of them with a big plastic cup on the roof. Stop at starbucks so Candice can buy a coffee with soy milk. Restaurant, outside. Owen is having lots of food. Inside there is a band. Candice reinstalls the car seat while they are waiting outside. Francine is eating ice cream, then clims some stairs and crawls at Candice. In the garden Candice tries to sleep but Francine also try to reach her, they split: Candice goes inside while Owen and Casey keep an eye on Francine. Owen is sitting on athe swing just above Francine, probably not a good idea. Later, inside, Francine is in a bad mood because of a tooth coming. Casey's dad come to the house. Trip back in New York City without stopping not to wake up Francine. At night he has to drive the car back to the garage so Candice won't have another ticket tomorrow. On his way back he stops at Jerome's place for a late night rendez-vous to organise something for a shoot tomorrow. They can't talk about it. Boosted board ride back home.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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