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Casey Neistat Death by Selfie: season 1 episode 169 youtube vlog

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Episode number 169 from season 1.

2015-09-09 - Death by Selfie

Season 1 - Episode 169 - 09-09-2015
Police situation. 7:00am, dressed with his running gear, but not for a morning run but for a morning photo shoot in the studio and outside for running magazine. Boosted board ride to a business meeting in Greenwich village with Matt and Dennis Crowly CEO of foursquare. Selfie with a fan in the street, almost hit by a bus. Back in the office. Mailtime. He is grateful. Baby wipes. Clothes.HEavy box with gourmet snacks. Hobbycreek third hand tool. Shoe laces that light up in the dark. Jewel for Candice. Framed drawing of him. Beme pressed metal plate. Pelikan like case from Gummy bears from a 19 years old guy trying to make promotion for his app called webly. 4 boxes of Alta energy bars. A youtuber from sends him a brand new Casio blacked faced white strapped G-shock. Getawaymoments timer for rotating timelapses with a gopro. Big box with a stabilizer, a body mount, a 3 axis gimble from Carbon Costume Marty Mc Fly hat from back from the future and a Casio databank watch. In the street it smells pot.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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