New London, Francine playing in the grass, trying to grab the camera. Francine has a brunch outside in the garden. Boosted board ride to the gym. Not sure if the range will be enough. Gym. Almost enough battery. Car ride for a restaurant with Peter. Candice and Casey argue a little bit about the car beeing crashed. Casey only crashed it twice within the year, not that bad for him. Restaurant for breakfast, then pplaying on the grass, watching boats pass by. Timelapse of a bascule bridge. In the car Francine is asleep. Owen arrives, with donuts, Candice seems to like them. Back to the beach. Shooting (shoe.ting) a timelapse. He lends his boosted board one more time to Dennis(?). Packing for going back to NYC. Gigi fears to being left. At the back of the car, Candice looks the prices of the colleges Owen visited in California, so far not good! Stop for gas. They finally arrive in NYC.