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Casey Neistat Danger Drone in the Hotel Room: season 1 episode 123 youtube vlog

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Episode number 123 from season 1.

2015-07-25 - Danger Drone in the Hotel Room

Season 1 - Episode 123 - 07-25-2015
Tiny drone flying in the hotel room. Day 4 at Vidcon, last day, Casey wants to come back in NYC to see Candice and Francine. Toady he gives a keynote talk on the main stage, he hasn't prepared it yet but has an idea. hotel, car trip, then skateboarding holding a golf cart. On stage when the room is empty and huge. Cute dog in the Instagram lounge. The talk is in 40 minutes, he starts to prepare. Backstage, introduction of his company and who he is. 6min58 later the talk is finished. Skateboarding backstage to leave the place. He is trapped in stairs, all doors are closed. Huge empty spaces. He finally found an exit. Back at Ben Brown hotel room. A strange box in the tub of his bathroom. A girl with 6 guys, trying to fly a mini drone in the room. The guys are excited, the drone crashed in the hallway. His friends borrow his camera and mimic him: no dollar pizza today. Then with the sunglasses on: I haven't slept in 14 days. I promise you Beme codes soon. In the lobby, he talks with 2 fans using Beme. Car trip for a stop in a burger restaurant: Double Burger. Then stop in an hotel in Santa Monica.2 girls: Can I be in the vlog

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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