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Casey Neistat Overpowered Motorized Skateboard: season 1 episode 119 youtube vlog

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Episode number 119 from season 1.

2015-07-21 - Overpowered Motorized Skateboard

Season 1 - Episode 119 - 07-21-2015
SUV with loud music in the street. Casey explains he leaves tomorrow to Anaheim for Vidcon, it will be his first time there. A girl (Kat?) in purple shorts is waiting in front of his office, happy to be in the vlog. Q&A time, not about Beme today. Noise in the background. Favorite and least favorite day. HAs he collaborated with Candice on any work. When did he stopped smoking. How to find what you want to do with your life at 19. What did he thought the first time he saw Candice. Favorite hobby. Why doesn't he bikes more. Favorite place to go and a place he's never been before he wants to go. What would he do if he wakes up in the morning realizing that the last 10 years of his life was a dream. How does Candice feels about Casey's always at work. Does he love his subscribers. End of Q&A. He want's to show us one new unnecessary human mean of transportation. It is something he always wanted since he was a little boy: Boosted board. Motorized skateboard. First he has to do a meeting with the team, then... inaugural ride of the board. As usual he hasn't red the instructions, it works ok but the skateboard is slow and the battery seems discharged. He discovers that there is an app to configure the board, he changes it from beginner mode to pro mode. It should peak a 24 mph instead of 11. It is fast, probably faster than anyone needs. Gopro views on and under the board. A fan waiting in front of the office tries the boosted board. Back in the office, Matt is still there at 11:30pm Casey has to leave, go home to pack for his flight tomorrow to California.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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