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Casey Neistat This is Beme: season 1 episode 114 youtube vlog

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Episode number 114 from season 1.

2015-07-16 - This is Beme

Season 1 - Episode 114 - 07-16-2015
In Beme office. 3:27am They send The Beme app on the App store. We see them clicking on the release button. Today is the day he reveals every detail of Beme. The app, how it works, everything. Why Beme? Social media should be the digital version of who we are, but instead it is the heavily calculated version of who we are. Carefully selected images... with Beme they wanted to maintain the person using it enjoying what he or she sees and allow the person to share it. No preview, no review, you just putt your phone on your chest, it starts recording, then it uploads it. They use the proximity sensor as a record button. When you look at bemes of people you follow, you can only see the video once. The only way to reply is to send a picture (of you when looking at the video). They want to make something fun to use. Casey is happy to be able to at last share all this. For now the app is locked up and you need an unlock code and he will give a code next week. Now you can reserve a username. They want to create a community first, of users that will really use the app. Tomorrow Q&A dedicated to the app. He is filming on the fire escape of his building. Candice and Francine visit him at work because he will have a long night of work. Shonduras making a trick on his skateboard (flat 360).

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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