Fan in front of the studio. Casey likes his shirt (a white T-shirt, same has he is wearing). Casey shows us footage of when the baby was born. It was the most important thing in his life at that moment. Today he wants to talk about the second most important thing at the exact same time Francine was forn. Quick hoverboard ride in the studio. The only thing in life that stands between you and everything you've ever wanted to do, is doing it. Beme an history lesson. Casey loves social media, but he always has an idea of what social media should be. He wanted to start his company, his mentor agreed that he should do it. So the first thing was finding money. He had to ask everybody he knows. The other thing is that it is something technology related, he knows very little about technology, so he met Matt, he is now his business partner and a technology guy. He worked at Tumblr, he knows to make things happen. Interview of Matt who says that it's the first time since Tumblr that he thinks that it can be something as big. During 6 months it was only the two of them. They designed a working app... that's when they needed money. They needed a lot of money. Venture capitalism. Very hard to do, sit in front of people, explain your project and ask for an insane amount of money. It's like going to the best looking person of your class and asking her to prom. Most of them just said no. It's hard because it lowers your confidence. At the exact same time Candice was 9 months pregnant, "ready to pop". Then they finally meet people interrested, that morning 7am Candice calls. They have to cancel the important venture capitalism meeting so he can fly to Texas. He warrived beforeCandice had the baby, everything went fine... but the deal didn't close. He stayed with her the 5 days Francine and Candice were in hospital but he uses every single minute they were asleep in the nurse's room, using it as an office on his phone trying to make the deal happen. In the end Francine and Candice went out of the hospital and Matt and Casey were able to close the deal for over $2 million dollars funding. Trip back home skateboarding. Casey and Francine playing on the ground. Candice is only wearing underwear. Casey says that when he arrived she was naked. She explains she was hot. They have air conditionning, where you are hot you just turn it on. Stroller in the street with Candice and Francine. It was Q&A day, he forgot, so Q&A in the restaurant with Candice "family edition". How do you find time to vlog and run a business. Can he do a wheely on his bicycle and Vespa. How to start in advertising as a film maker. Has he ever been to Europe. What is his diet like. What is the best part in living in NYC. Is he irritated when people stop him in the street. How does he see Beme becoming. Would he ever retire. Distracting Q&A.