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Casey Neistat Super Powered Hoverboard: season 1 episode 111 youtube vlog

Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 111 from season 1.

2015-07-13 - Super Powered Hoverboard

Season 1 - Episode 111 - 07-13-2015
Many fans in front of his studio. He puts them in line to take a picture. He has to drive the car back to the parking lot. He dislikes it. Owning a car in NYC is crazy. You can't let it in the street, so you have to rent a place in a parking lot, which is very expensive. A guy cleaning the elevator of his building. Back at the studio. Beme stickers. He doesn't like them so he canceled the order. Firemen siren in the street messing up his audio. He checks at the window, they are here for his building. Fans outside, he has no time to go down, sorry. This week is... Beme week. First he want to address some comments that were made saying that Casey only vlogs so he can talk about his app, which is lame. Casey confirms, yes that's true. He started this vlog to share his life, and his company is is life. Marlin, the UPS guy has a huge package. Newheel, a company in San Francisco said that the thing he called hoverboard is not a hoverboard, that their hoverboard is a real hoverboard. They sent him one to try. They ask him to read the instructions first, but he like to see how intuitive it is. He tries, it's ok. It feels much more dangerous than the previous one. He goes in the street to try. It's a little bit like surfing. It's also more robust. He seems to like it. Stressful day at the office. People often ask how can he always be in such a good mood: he is not. That's just that he only records video when he is in a good mood.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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