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Casey Neistat Living On An Airplane: season 1 episode 108 youtube vlog

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Episode number 108 from season 1.

2015-07-10 - Living On An Airplane

Season 1 - Episode 108 - 07-10-2015
Casey wakes up in the plane. Business class, huge seat. He brushes is teeth. Landing timelapse. Out of the airport, cab home. 7:10am. Francine is here. Starbucks, too many people. Broadway seems to be shut. He goes to the office and studio. Pizza time. So much pizza, probably 2 pizzas per person.Mail time is out of control. So many packages. Books for Francine. Bicycle wheels (rims) with its name and adress on them. Others cats to whip, the book of french idioms. LadderGolf golf club bag. AA batteries powered by saltwater."Princess? No Im the Queen" Gigi tag for the poodle. ITG level iphone cases. gear (hat, stickers...). Candy. Filmtools video gear. Gopro Hero4 session. Stickers with Casey riding his bike on it. Japanese snacks. Wood bow-tie. more candy. "Les enfants bretons" book. sunglasses or Francine, with the custom Casey's typical look. Eco Power Iris drones : big small little from Custom made Neistat skateboard. A big painting of his head from David. Leather wallet with "do the right thing" and Casey's name and adress. That's all but he will spend the rest of the day cleaning the sudio!

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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