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Casey Neistat Taco Bell Fried Cap'n Crunch Balls; Food Review: season 1 episode 102 youtube vlog

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Episode number 102 from season 1.

2015-07-04 - Taco Bell Fried Cap'n Crunch Balls; Food Review

Season 1 - Episode 102 - 07-04-2015
New London, Owen is eating fries, bacon and cheese in the car, it's almost like "vegetable and proteins" healthy food. Morning run in Connecticut. A sign "no trepassing, private property, wildlife sanctuary" is in fact the place where there is a nuclear power plant. Then more aggressive signs: "keep out". They continue. Then has to stop because there is a real security line. 14.5 miles. For 4th of july, they will use the truck offroad. He prepares it (removes the doords, roof...). They have no spare tire because the "all terrain" goodyear tires he uses shoul be called "some terrain" because on all terrain they explode. The last two times they did that they were arrested by the police and had trouble. First a stop to buy fast food. Then trip to Target car park where there is a spot to then go offroad in the nature. Strange noise from the motor. They cross some rivers. Everything seems ok this time. Then stop on Taco Bell takeway. Today's review : Taco Bell's Cap'n crunch delights made from capt'n crunch cranberries. Strange red ball like a "dead tomato". For Casey it's like a donut where the baker accidentally spilled a whole bucket of red artificial flavour into the dow. Owen agrees. Back home, Casey tries to ask Candice to wash the car because they have to watch TV. Candices answers "fine" (joke). Casey washes the car with a garden hose.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

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